A/B Test Calculator

A/B Test Calculator

Are Your Results Statistically Significant?

  • For A/B testing to be effective, you need to ensure that the difference between the two versions is statistically significant.

  • Use this A/B Test Calculator to determine if the difference is large enough to be meaningful, based on your audience size and results.

  • The calculator will indicate if the result is statistically significant.

Understanding Your Results

Conversion Rate:

The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or clicking on a link. It's calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the total number of visitors and multiplying by 100.


The Z-Score tells you how many standard deviations an outcome is from the average. In A/B testing, it helps you see how different two groups (A and B) are. A higher Z-Score means a bigger difference between the two versions.


The P-Value tells you the probability that the results happened by chance. In A/B testing, a P-Value below 0.05 usually means the difference between version A and version B is statistically significant and not just random.

Statistically Significant

For a result to be considered statistically significant, we typically look for a confidence level of 95% or higher. This means we can be 95% sure that the difference in results between A and B is not due to random chance.

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